If you are in the habit of bookmarking every interesting page you find on the Internet, your browser bookmarks might be a mess by now, just like mine. And often I bookmark the same page multiple times without knowing it already exist in my collection. That’s why I use a wonderful application called AM-DeadLink.
AM-DeadLink is a free tool that checks your browser (IE, Firefox or Opera) bookmarks for dead and duplicate links. Once the scan is completed it will display the full results of each and every bookmarked link and their status – alive or error 404. Click the button "Sort bookmarks with errors to top of list” to quickly view all dead links. Then select all the dead links and delete them all at one go.
Finding duplicates and removing them is even easier. Click on “Find duplicates” and it will show you all duplicate entries. Now click on “Select all duplicates but one” to highlight all duplicated entries except one. For instance, if you have bookmarked the same page thrice, AM-DeadLink will select two while keeping one enabling you to quickly remove extra bookmarks.
AM-DeadLink also has an inbuilt browser allowing you to quickly open and view pages. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your bookmarks and save them on your hard disk.
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