1. Windows 7 Editions compared: Just like Windows Vista, Windows 7 will be available in six different editions, but only Home Premium and Professional will be widely available at retail. The other editions are focused at other markets, such as the developing world or enterprise use. But what is the difference among the various editions?
2. Human eyes are screwed: A fantastic demonstration of the deficiencies of the human eye, a knowledge which is taken advantage of in compressing images and videos leading to drastic reduction in file size with imperceptible loss in quality.
3. Snitch.name: A search engine to search information about people across various social networking sites and other places. You can search at one go, sites like FaceBook, Flickr, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut and more; academic search on places like Caltech, Stanford, MIT, Oxford; criminal records at US.gov and a whole lot of other places.
4. The Radio: A great online radio station. Huge number of channels. Currently one of my favorite streaming radio station. They have got one of the coolest domain name too.
5. Horror movie shower curtains and Bath Mat: Remember the Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho? This set looks like it came straight from the Bates Motel. A perfect piece for your bathroom, to frighten the living daylights out of any guest who makes the mistake of entering your bathroom. Thanks Uber Reviews
Price: The shower curtain is priced at $14.99 and bath mat at $17.99.
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