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FamiliLink – Simplified email service for older people

Technology is changing at such a rapid pace that even tech people have trouble keeping up with the latest trend – multi touch screens, OLED displays, ever growing social networking tools and Google Wave. Imagine how a person born before the transistor was invented must feel in this digital age. For them technology is a huge impenetrable wall. It’s a shame because computers and the Internet is such a wonderful thing. FamiliLink helps bridge the huge communication gap that exist between the older generation and today's technology.


FamiliLink is an easy to use email service that allows technologically challenged persons to digitally connect with their family members and friends, share photos and keep in touch with them. It includes, apart from an email service, a calendar with scheduler and reminder and an address book.

FamiliLink sports almost a kid-like appearance – bright colors, big buttons and big typefaces. Navigation is easy to follow and buttons to various actions such as “Write message”, “Read more” and “Enlarge image” are prominently displayed.


Photos sent as attachment to FamiliLink’s email ID automatically appears in the “Pictures” section which can be viewed in a slideshow. To send photos the user just need to click on “Add Photo”, choose the photos to upload and then add them while writing a new message. Similarly, attached videos automatically appear in the “Video” section, although this can be a bit confusing for elder people because the “Video” tab is hidden inside the “Pictures” section.

A FamiliLink account can have a helper - a trusted friend who agrees to manage the account for the person. The helper or administrator can’t view messages but is able to add important events, appointments, birthdays and anniversaries to the FamiliLink calendar. They can upload photos and videos for the person, add people to their address book and make easier for an elder person to start using FamiliLink.

FamiliLink is a really brilliant idea that deserves all the praise they get. Currently it’s free to register for the first 2000 users. After the free slots are gone the service is going to cost $9.99 per month.

[via Killer Startups]


  1. Your comments and this program are tripe.
    This really got my ancient and very sharp hackles up.
    Most boomers (mainly pre-transistor) know MORE about technology than Xers or Yers. True they don't always know how to use the current iteration - or more often, see the PURPOSE or USEFULNESS of the application.
    Perhaps most importantly they are busy and just don't have the time. Most communication tech (i.e computer/net stuff requires practice and exposure. This program you are promoting simply plays the boomer or whoever as an idiot child, in need of big letters bright colours and a hand to hold.
    Utterly the wrong approach - demeaning and unnecessary.
    The solution lies elsewhere - and this is probably not the forum!

  2. Thanks for mentioning FamiliLink. We tested the UI quite a bit as we wanted to create something simple and elegant. All seniors liked the bright colorful screens. Regarding the video tab being hidden, that is something to consider. Although when you sent a video as an attachment or through Youttube the user will also be able to click on it right away and watch it.



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