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Silentale – Archive all online conversation at one place

Silentale is a new cloud service whose goal is to “consolidate your contacts and conversations from multiple platforms, including webmails, social networks and mobiles.” Silentale runs as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform on top of Amazon Web Services, and functions as an aggregator for a number of web services the Internet folks use. With Silentale one can archive conversations carried on email, instant messengers, Twitter, Facebook etc on the cloud.

Using Silentale has but one issue – you have to trust them with your login credentials to your most important and personal accounts such as email. If you don’t have issues with that, you can go ahead and select the services you want Silentale to archive.


Silentale currently supports the following online services or Connectors.

  • Facebook Friends
  • Google Contacts
  • Most email accounts (imap/pop3)
  • Gmail & Google Apps
  • AOL Mail
  • Yahoo! Mail
  • Hotmail/Live Mail
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Once the connections have been set, Silentale will start retrieving and archiving your messages. In about an hour’s time, all your online conversation on different platforms will have been achieved. You can now browse them in a Timeline view or search through them.


You can scroll down as far as you want in the past. With each message, the Timeline displays the date, the subject, the sender, the recipients and a small icon that indicates the format, e.g. email, SMS, Twitter, etc. You can click on the relevant links to access the full message, the contact profile or attachments. Silentale archive all kinds of attachments, including documents, PDFs, pictures, videos, links, etc. These can be downloaded to your computer at any time.

If you want to follow all your conversations with one person, just click on the selected contact and you will get the complete thread of your messages with that person, across all media.

Silentale also maintains an exhaustive index, called People Book, of all the people you have been in touch with, whether they come from your address book, social networks or directories.

Silentale is currently in private beta. If you signup during the beta period you will receive the Unlimited package where you can create unlimited Connectors and get unlimited storage. Once the service is publicly released, the free plan will restrict users to only 5 connectors and a few other limitations.

Similar service: Backupify


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