Google and several other partners including Enterprise UK, BT, e-skills and PayPal have got together in a joint initiative called "Getting British business online" to help small businesses in the United Kingdom, by giving away 100,000 free web addresses along with a website.
“Despite operating in one of the most advanced e-commerce markets in the world with over 40 million people now online, as many as 1.5 million businesses in the UK do not have a website.”, their press release said.
Google will be providing registration services and hosting via its Google Apps platform and BT will offer business free advice and phone support to help them create their online presence. PayPal will enable businesses to turn their site into an ecommerce platform. New websites will also be included in Google's search index and added as a business listing in Google maps.
The website will be offered free for a period of 2 years, after which you'll have to pay the domain renewal fee.
[via Neowin]
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