In case you are using Mandriva, the once popular Linux distribution, you might be interested in knowing that the French company is now up for sale. According to Mandriva Linux Online, the firm is in deep financial trouble and getting sold is the next best option to total closure. I’m sure there are still many Mandriva fans out there and they wouldn’t like the distribution to disappear.
Mandriva is said to have made the decision more than a month ago and has been looking for potential buyers since. Two firms made serious bids for Mandriva, or were at least interested in acquiring it. One is London-based LightApp, a firm that creates thin client like solutions for cheap computing, and the other is Linagora.
Linagora is a French company that creates open-source software. In a follow up post, Linagora is said to have confirmed that it’s going to acquire the company and discussions are underway for the acquisition of part of the assets of Mandriva.
Mandriva’s financial problems go back a couple of years ago, but apparently things turned for the worse this year. There is no official word till now, but it can be only be hoped that the current line of Mandriva products will continue to be supported even after the sale.
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