Remember Rick Roll? If only there was a way to peek into the videos before playing them. Think of all the hours of your life you have wasted watching totally irrelevant videos because there was no way you could know what a video contains without watching them.
But wait, there is a way. It’s called VideoSurf. It’s a Firefox addon that adds video summaries of online videos by displaying selected thumbnails from the most important scenes in the video. VideoSurf embeds these thumbnails right on a search engine’s results page so that you don’t even have to navigate away from the page.
The screenshot above shows how a video summary looks like. Even timestamps are added to each thumbnail. When watching videos on YouTube, clicking on a thumbnail will skip the video directly to that particular frame.
VideoSurf also displays related videos on Google, Bing and Yahoo search results pages. The ability to hide adult videos is a thoughtful addition to this useful browser extension.
VideoSurf works across dozens of sites including YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter and more.
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