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Set Different Sensitivity for Mouse and Touchpad

If you use both the mouse and your laptop’s touchpad in tandem you must have realized that a universal sensitivity for both doesn’t work well. This is where you need application like AutoSensitivity.

AutoSensitivity allows you to define different mouse sensitivities for your touchpad and mouse and automatically switch between them when you connect and disconnect the mouse. You simply define two different speeds and the utility automatically switches between them when you plug or unplug the mouse. This saves you from manually changing the speed every time you plug in a mouse.



  1. How can you advertise an application that actually doesn't exist?! Go on their site and and try download the "extraordinary" application and tell me what can you do with it?!
    Moreover the the application's owner wants money as well?! Ha... what for?!

  2. I forgot to add the download link (which is now fixed), so you must have got the wrong application. The program exist and it is free.

  3. Could you please tell us what to do with a *.application?

  4. Is it my English such a poor one or you just don't know that an application is not an application if it doesn't have an extension for self execution?! If you downloaded it from the same link how on earth did you install it or ran it without WITHOUT ending with ANY extension?!

    Am I blind or there is NO extension on this file: "AutoSensitivity.application"?!

    Can you now understand why I said that the application doesn't exist?! Since there is nothing you can do with the downloaded file is there an application called "AutoSensitivity"?! Did you think that I couldn't manage to find the downloading location or that I don't know how to download it?! Seems so since the only thing that you did is to place a link in the article!!!

  5. Ahha... I see now. I wrongly presumed that by placing a screen shot of the application you've installed it as well!
    Like I said I was wrong since you didn't install it... but instead you just copied and pasted the already installed application' screen shot from the OWNER site, not from you computer as it supposed to! How can you praise an application that you never installed it therefore never knowing its functionality?!

  6. Let's just file this article under fail and forget about it. The year is still young. :)

  7. Why should we forget about it?! Was it 7th of January the Fools Day and I was the only one that I didn't know?!

  8. The file "AutoSensitivity.application" is a ClickOnce installer - a kind of online installer for .NET based programs. So you need to have .NET framework 2.0 or later installed on your machine to be able to run it. I assumed you already have since .NET is such an important framework, just like the Adobe Flash plugin is for your browser.

    Once you double click on this file, it will download the required program files from the internet (just a few KBs) and install the application in your computer. You can then launch the program from your start menu just like any other program.

    You see the program writer's screenshot instead of mine because I often do that when there is nothing additional to display. Saves the trouble. If you look back at some of my previous reviews you will see many such screenshots taken from the website. This doesn't mean that I have not installed it on my computer.

    But if you insist, here is my screenshot :)


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