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DraftSight: Free CAD Software For Windows And Linux

DraftSight is a professional-grade, free 2D CAD software from the creators of SolidWorks, for CAD professionals, students and educators that allows users to create, edit and view DWG files. Although not open source, DraftSight is available for Linux as well as for the Windows platform and the Mac platform.

In addition to the .dwg file format, DraftSight can also read and save .dxf files. It can read those formats from any version 2.5 and above, and save to any versions from R12 to R2007-2010. DraftSight can also export to several different raster formats, including PDF, PNG, TIF, SAT and


What makes this DraftSight stand out, particularly in the Linux community, is that DraftSight for Linux is the first non-GPL release of a 2D CAD application from a major corporation that is free for both commercial and personal use.

DraftSight is available for free, although free activation is required to access certain functions. The product has a paid subscription service for educational and commercial customers who want phone support, network licensing, and access to API.

The full list of DraftSight features along with a “getting started” guide is available at the product’s website.

Also see: DoubleCAD XT, the Real Free Alternative to AutoCAD


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