Google today added a set of five dynamic templates to Blogger that can be switched from one to the other by the visitor on-the-fly. Unlike other Blogger templates that are sort of hard coded into the blog and can be applied or changed only by the blog owner or administrator, the dynamic templates can be applied by any visitor to the blog, offering visitors fresh ways to browse and read Blogspot blogs.
The new templates are based on AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3 and offer a host of features such a infinite scrolling and load images as you view them and not all at once.
Out of the 5 templates, Flipcard, Mosaic, and Snapshot are suited for photography-blogs or blogs with images as the predominant content. The Sidebar and Timeslide are general purpose templates that suits any kind of blogs.
To try these views on your own blog, simply add “/view” to the end of the blog URL—for example, These new views are supposedly available on all public Blogger blogs with feeds fully enabled, but for some reasons they don’t work on all blogs.
Dynamic templates also do not currently support many of the features your original blog may have, including displaying advertisements and widgets.
The Dynamic templates are enabled on all Blogger blogs by default. If you wish to turn them off, you can do so by disabling it from your Blogger Dashboard under Settings > Formatting.
Watch this view video demo.
informative article