GVNotifier is a wonderful desktop application to send and receive calls using Google Voice on Windows, with Windows 7 taskbar integration. GVNotifier brings voice calls, SMS, your contact list, call history, voicemail transcription and even audio playback to the desktop. Pin the program to the taskbar and you get a nice little Google Voice notification tool.
You can click on the program icon and bring up your contact list, and then click on any contact to place a call or send an SMS. Have a large contact list? The inbuilt search feature you help you locate it. The best part is Windows 7 shell integration. GVNotifier puts your frequent contacts in right-click jumplists facilitating quick access. You can also pin your favorite contacts to the list for even faster access.
The only drawback for now is GVNotifier doesn’t work outside the US.
Found a great Chrome extension that can run in the background when Chrome is closed. It's called "Chat for Google" Allows you to make and receive phone calls and chat. "Chat for Google" Link