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Send Free SMS From Your Own Number Through JaxtrSMS

Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia, along with Yogesh Patel, has announced the launch of JaxtrSMS, a cross-platform, texting application that allows one to send SMS over the Internet to any other cell phone user around in your country or any where in the world. What makes JaxtrSMS stand apart from other over-the-internet SMS application is that JaxtrSMS allows you to send messages from your own number. This means that recipients see your number and name and not that of JaxtrSMS as the message sender. Additionally, the recipient doesn’t need to be a JaxtrSMS user in order to receive messages.

jaxtr jaxtr2

The app automatically integrates with your address book allowing you to conveniently add contacts from your phone memory in the recipient field. The app uses WiFi or 3G/2G data services to send the message and behaves like regular SMS. If the receiver has JaxtrSMS installed on their phones, then the message appears as part of a threaded conversation within the app with special notifications. Non-JaxtrSMS users receive the SMS in their regular SMS inbox.

The free app is compatible with Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian and Java-based devices.


  1. Free of charge?! just like that?! What's in it for them?! Has anybody checked that there is no charge whatsoever?! Again, why would we trust the application?!

  2. There is no charge. The SMS is sent over data connection/internet for which you already pay.

  3. @Kaushik
    No charge?! Really?! Then why is NO ONE mentions what's indicated in the Android Market's application's "Permission" section?!

    "This application has access to the following:

    Services that cost you money
    directly call phone numbers
    Allows the application to call phone numbers without your intervention. Malicious applications may cause unexpected calls on your phone bill. Note that this does not allow the application to call emergency numbers.
    send SMS messages
    Allows application to send SMS messages. Malicious applications may cost you money by sending messages without your confirmation.
    Your messages
    receive SMS
    Allows application to receive and process SMS messages. Malicious applications may monitor your messages or delete them without showing them to you."

    What do you say now?! Charge or chargeless?!

  4. The permissions mentioned are required for the app to function. Compare permissions required by WhatsApp, another free SMS app. Aren't they similar? Maybe an Android developer can explain to you why these permissions are required.

    It's good to be cautious but you don't have to be paranoid. Jaxtr doesn't send SMS or call random persons. Just because an app CAN do something doesn't mean it WILL.

  5. I can't register , Https protocol not supported .

  6. I installed the java version in my phone.. And I sent free sms to a friend in another country..

    Thanks Kaushik, for this article!

    I have got a question, when I registered - It didn't ask for a password.. Why!?!

  7. You registered your phone to use with the app. No passwords required.

  8. @Kaushik,
    Yes, it works great.. I have been chatting with my friends in other countries from various social networks using this Jaxtrsms..

    I thank you again for the article..

    But I only wish that the Jaxtr developers can improve the Java app.. It needs a lot of improvements!

    And most people in India only have Java mobiles... Jaxtrsms, if it provides an app like the facebook's java app, then it will attract more loyal users to it..

    Jaxtrsms = Superb!

  9. why is it none of my sms are sending??

  10. im failing to register because of a certificate exception thingy. dont know what to do

  11. Hi guys am in Zimbabwe. Facing registration probs it says certification exception. Using LG KS360 phone. Can you help?

  12. Please help me too. its saying certificate exception. what does that mean??

  13. Thank you for contacting JaxtrSMS Support. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

    We are aware of this issue and our Technical Team is currently working on it to have it resolved at the earliest. Rest assured the JaxtrSMS application should be available for your device soon!

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you and thank you for your patience.

    Best Regards,
    JaxtrSMS Support Team

  14. I am also facing certificate exception in samsung b5310 in India

  15. I'm having too 'certificate exception' error message in my Samsung S8000/Jet. Help welcome...

  16. I am also facing the same Issue Certificate Exception on Samsung Corby S3653

  17. Im from Portugal and I have a LG GT505, this is a Java mobile phone.

    Today, I installed the JaxtrSMS app on my phone, I insert the data that were requested by app and then I selected the option "Register", but thereafter I dont received any information that the registration was successful.

    I know that was sent an sms by my phone to somewhere after I select the option "Register", and at the same time was charged the price of one sms.

    I would like to use the app, but it seems that the registration process was not successful, could you help me please?

  18. Hey you jaxtr people!Why won't you have this "CERTIFICATE EXCEPTION" thing solved already?We need to start using this app!It's reall a huge setback.You have to solve it SOON and not offer excuses that "We are aware of this issue and our Technical Team is currently working on it to have it resolved at the earliest. Rest assured the JaxtrSMS application should be available for your device soon!

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you and thank you for your patience." It is VERY ANNOYING,OK????So if you are world class,solve it!!!!

  19. hi,

    I installed Jaxtar SMS in Sony ericsson vivaz mobile but not able to register got an error "HTTPS protocol not supported"

    Can you please help on this.....

  20. No puedo registrarme a veces me pone que el protocolo HTTPS no es compatible otras que el certificado de excepcion y no se que debo hacer para poder utilizar esta aplicación.

    ¿Podrían ayudarme?

    Mi movil es el samsung s5230w

  21. hi, I'm from Spain

    I can not register sometimes puts the HTTPS protocol is not supported other than the certificate of exception and i don't know what I do to use this application.

    Can you help me?

    My phone is the Samsung S5230W

  22. i have downloaded the app on to my phone and it tells me that "CERTIFICATE EXCEPTION"
    could you like already get this problem sorted
    either that or you loosing to apps like "watsapp,bbm,ch@ts" and many more
    my paitence is running thin now

  23. does the messages sent by jaxtrsms and the numbers the messages are sent to show up on the phone bill?

  24. After using you program in my iphone 4, it works only properly with jaxtrsms users, but when I try to send a message to a non jaxtrsms user then I receive a message :

    Sorry, we were unable to send your text/SMS as you have utilizad all your FREE credits. You can purchase TEXT/SMS credits at a deep DISCOUNT at
    Your login ID is........... Remember JAXTR to JAXTR is always free.

    Happy texting.

    Team Jxtrsms.

    Has anyone happened the same than me ?

  25. @ the person above:
    no i used Jxtrsms to text to non-jxtrsms users and it works fine, but did ur messages and the numbers u sent messages to show up on ur phone bill?

  26. i have that same sorry bla bla thing. any progress?

  27. having the same issue.... wht to do now...

  28. not able to send msg from india to usa. saying you have utilized your free credits. i thought sms are free

  29. I too am having the same problem sending texts from USA Jaxtr to USA non-Jaxtr. I am running Android At&t Pantech p8000 (crossover)

  30. Same problem here. Saying I need to buy credit to continue texting non jaxter numbers. What a ripoff

  31. Hey JaxtrSMS-Team,

    what about the option to give the users the possebility to register ther phone on the website via pc to get some like a code which them have to enter by firststarting the app and the code will be send via internet?

    would be very nice and the best solution!

    Have a nice day

  32. In zim just downloadd jaxtr sms every tym i open e app it say application error null pointer. Using a nokia 2700c

  33. i love this app but im in Sri Lanka, so i have to pay to get this app working
    can u guyz tell me how much is it that i have to pay ??? i hope itz not too much! :)


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