Toolwiz Care is an all-in-one computer maintenance software designed to optimize and tweak your PC and keep it in pristine condition. The software has a huge number of tools bundled together. The usual suspects are disk cleaner, file shredder, registry cleaner, startup manager, disk defragmenter, network manager, process manager, program uninstaller etc. There are also several utilities that lets you perform numerous jobs like split file, encrypt files, recover deleted files, generate passwords, improve computer performance during gaming, prevent unwanted changes to the system, and some more. Apparently, Toolwiz Care is not only concerned about the health of your system but your health as well. This explains why there is an ‘Eyes Care’ utility among them.
The tools are organized under different heads such as Cleanup, Speedup, Security, Tools, and App Manager. To avoid overwhelming the user with multiple options, upon starting the program, Toolwiz Care offers to perform a full checkup of the system during which it identifies problems and areas that require attention and offers to fix them with one click. During the checkup the programs checks things such as disk usage by unwanted/temporary files, history records of browsers and different programs, fragmented files, dangerous startup programs, folders that you might have shared previously and forgotten to revert etc. Of course, I looked at the report and choose to do my own fixing by visiting each of the sections individually.
The program has a suspiciously small download size – only 3.9 MB. A software that packs 40+ tools (I haven’t counted it. The developer says so.) but weighs less than 4 MB (100KB per program on average) will raise anybody’s eyebrows. The program does some incredible stuff too, like it measured how long my computer and each process takes to startup without actually measuring the startup time. I have no idea how it does that. It says my computer is 75% faster than the rest of the world.
There are so many tools here that it’s impossible for me to review each one of them. Hence, I’m going to simply list them with a brief description wherever possible.
- Disk Cleaner - Clean out all junk files.
- Registry Cleaner – Remove invalid Registry entries.
- Privacy Cleaner – Remove browser history and recent file history of a number of programs
- Fast Defragger – De-fragment the hard drive
- Boot Report – Provides a easy to read report that shows the start-up time of user’s system. It offers a detailed list of the processes loaded since booting.
- Startup Optimizer allows the user to disable or delay the loading of any startup entries. It also provides the users with suggestions of standard processes.
- Plugin Manager – Scans the system for all kinds of browser plugins and shell extensions and assesses the security or legitimacy of the plug-in
- Game Booster - Concentrates every system resource for gaming purpose. It temporarily shuts background processes and other unnecessary Windows services. The Game Booster also cleans out the RAM and intensifies processor performance.
- Password Generator - Creates highly secure passwords with upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols.
- File Undelete – Data recovery software ensures recovery of data permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin.
- Network Manager – Displays all active connection from the computer, applications, protocols, remote address and ports used.
- Process Manager – Alternative to Task Manager. Lists all running processes and allows you to terminate them.
- Services Manager – Alternative to services.msc utility. Allows you to start, stop, disable, enable services.
- File shredder/Disk Wiper – Securely deletes files, entire hard disk
- Duplicate File Finder – Does what it says
- Context Menu Manager – Manage context menu entries. You can only remove them, not add.
- MBR backup and restore – Backups and restores disk boot records
- File Splitter – Split files into smaller chunks
- File Checker – Generate MD5/CRC/SHA1 hashes of files
- Time Freeze - Instant system restore solution that undoes any changes made to the system for the duration when Time Freeze was turned on. (Similar tools)
- Eyes Care – Display periodic alerts reminding you to take breaks from computer work. (Similar tools.)
Toolwiz Care has close resemblance with Kingsoft PC Doctor. Check that out too.
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