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Samsung’s Smart Window Brings Minority Report to Life

Samsung unveiled a futuristic transparent LCD TV at the International Consumer Electronics Show 2012 (CES) this week that looks like a scene right out of Minority Report. The see-through screen could be installed in your kitchen and used to access recipes, or placed in your in your bedroom wall to watch movies or check Twitter. Samsung showed off a few widgets running on the Smart Window like Twitter, a calendar, a clock and even Microsoft Office. You can even use it as a window with virtual blinds that you can close to shut out light. Despite being completely transparent, the device acts as single side mirror: whatever you are viewing on the screen is completely private from those outside.


This fully transparent screen provides a resolution up to 1680 x 1080 pixels and is also said to be 20-22 percent more transparent than old LCD’s. Because the Samsung Smart Window doesn’t need backlight units (it uses natural light for that), it uses about 1/10th of the electricity that a standard LCD display its size would use. And in the dark, it has transparent backlight units you can use at the cost of a little more power.

There’s no word on when these will become available yet or how much they’ll cost, but according to TheNextWeb, it may go into production within the next month.


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