Browsers usually consider web surfing and email reading as separate activities, except Opera and Seamonkey which have integrated email clients for out-of-the-box experience. But email is a necessary part of your online life, and if you don’t like running a separate email program you can bring one into Firefox just like in the aforementioned browsers.
Simple Mail is an extension for Firefox that adds a full fledged email client into your favorite browser. It supports both POP3 and IMAP protocols for mail retrieval and SMTP for replies. It features most of the functions you would expect from an email program – multiple email accounts, address book, filters, WYSIWYG editor, custom folders etc.
Below is a full list of features:
- Multiple email accounts
- POP3/IMAP/SMTP protocols
- Automatic checking on specified timeout
- Download full email or headers
Address Book
- Autocomplete box suggests recipient names/addresses as you start typing them
- Groups of contacts
- Display Address book in main Simple Mail window
- Create custom folders
- Drag-n-drop folders and messages into folders
- Use filters to automatically sort incoming messages into folders
New message composition
- WYSIWYG editor. Customize font/color of your message
- Smiles. Use predefined smiles or easily add your own
- URLs are automatically converted to hyperlinks as you type them
- Insert image into email body
- Right-click on toolbar to choose "icons/text/icons and text" mode
- Additional columns for folders can be turned on (unread/total/size)
- Switch window layout by clicking on an icon in the top-right corner
Use filters to automatically dispose incoming messages. Each filter consists of a set of rules and a set of actions. Rules are matched against incoming message properties and on success actions are executed. You can use filters to:
- Move messages of different accounts into different folders
- Turn on "Download headers only" mode and create a filter to fully download messages only from contacts in your address book
- Mark important messages with red color
- Play different sounds for messages from different senders
- Store your mailbox on a Flash drive
- Sort messages by clicking on column headers
- New email notification
- Export emails to Thunderbird. You can archive all your mails (associated with a account) or only mails in a specified folder or mails before a date.
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