Over time and after continued usage, an Android smartphone can collect a large number of junk files and left overs from uninstalled apps. Although they rarely go out of bounds in terms of size and quantity, as it tends to happen in Windows, they still occupy space, and since memory space is scare in all mobile devices, even a small number of junk files can contribute to a large amount of wasted space. Hence, every Android phone requires a good junk file cleaner, one that could seek out unnecessary files from all corners and remove them from the phone. Clean Master is a great tool for this job.
Clean Master offers comprehensive cleaning abilities that can get rid of residual files, temp APKs, erase your device history, delete caches, and even act as a task killer and apps uninstaller.
On the home screen you can see how much free space is available on your device’s external storage and internal storage, so that you know right away whether you should start cleaning. Below that, you have four options: History, Privacy, Tasks, and App Manager.
History cleaner has two section – the first cleans the cache, which are data files created by the apps and which accumulate over time taking up lots of space. Tap on “History” and you’ll get a list of all installed apps and how much cache storage each one has. Clean Master will have already checked the ones that it feels you should delete, and will also tell you what you shouldn’t delete. For instance, it tells me that I shouldn’t delete Google Maps cache. Google Maps reuses maps already downloaded which are stored in the cache. Deleting them will require the phone to download maps of your location all over again.
The second part of History deletes residual files, which are temporary files such as picture thumbnails. The residual files will also list big space hogging files from your storage such as videos, music, ebooks etc, in case you want to reconsider what kind of files you want to carry around on your phone.
The Privacy cleaner lets you delete SMS and MMS messages, call logs and search history. For SMS/MMS and Call logs, you have the choice to delete all history or by contact. One thing I like is the ability to choose individual messages to delete as opposed to deleting entire conversation thread. So you can choose to keep certain messages in a length conversation.
Search history encompasses your search keywords entered in your phone, in your browser, in Gmail, Facebook, Google Play Store and various other apps. It can also wipe clean your phone’s clipboard history.
Finally, there is a Task killer and an App Manager which lets you kill tasks and uninstall apps, respectively. The App Manager lets you uninstall multiple apps in one swoop. There is also an option to backup apps before you uninstall them.
Clean Master is a free app, and available for Android 2.1 and upwards.
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