Understandably, printing email is something most people never do, but occasionally, you might have to print out a message such as invoices when claiming a warranty or expense receipts when filing tax returns. To print emails in your Gmail inbox, you have to open each message one at a time which is both a pain and time consuming. If there is a bulk of messages to print, here is something that will help you get the work done easily.
Gmail Print All for Chrome is an extension that lets you select multiple Gmail messages and print them all at once or send them to a PDF printer.
The extension is actually a script for Gmail, that adds an app icon on Chrome’s new tab page. After you’ve installed the extension/app, and granted it permission to access data on your Google account, open your Gmail inbox and select the messages you wish to print. Then create a new label and assign it to the selected messages.
Now run Gmail Print All for Chrome, select the label from the drop-down box and click on “print to Drive”. This will compile all the messages into a new document on your Google Drive. Each conversation thread gets a page of its own with the subject at the top, the number of messages in the thread and messages organized by the date.
Because Print All creates a Google Doc you can add a cover page and a table of contents. Each message is already formatted for ToC making it a snap to navigate through messages.
via Chrome Story
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