Last month, there appeared in town a new download manager. While these kind of software have been done plenty of times in the past, what caught my attention towrds the newcomer, aside from being an open source project, is how light weight the program is. Called Xtreme Download Manager, this new download tool weighs just 207KB.
Inside this meager package, Xtreme Download Manager packs a decent download managing tool with a spartan and clutter-free interface. The program uses “sophisticated dynamic segmentation algorithm, data compression and connection reuse to speed up the download process”. It supports downloading via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols, and can even handle file redirects, cookies and authorization if needed. XDM also supports proxy configuration allowing it to be used behind corporate firewalls. Regular features such as pause and resume are also supported.
XDM integrates with any browser to handle downloads automatically including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or any other application trying to download a file from internet. It comes with clipboard monitoring that looks for specific file extensions and initiates download whenever a URL ending with such an extension is copied to the clipboard.
Downloaded files are automatically organized by type into categories namely documents, music, videos, programs and compressed.
An impressive feature of XDM that needs to be mentioned is the batch download tool. If you want to download a number of files with sequential file names, such as image01.jpg, image02.jpg, image03.jpg etc. or volume-a.pdf, volume-b.pdf, volume-c.pdf and so on, it is possible to use wildcards in the download URL and replace them with number or alphabet sequences. XDM will automatically add these files to queue.
Finally, XDM is equipped with a YouTube downloading tool and a Media Grabber. These allow you to grab embedded videos on websites such as YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Video and others and download the video file to the disk. Before doing so, you should be aware that downloading videos from YouTube is against their terms of use.
Xtreme Download Manager is also portable. Combined this with it’s extreme light-weight size makes XDM a great tool to carry along on a USB drive.
Also read: EagleGet: A Fantastic Download Manager and Video Downloader
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