Remember Standalone Stack, the Mac OS X like stack for Windows? Here is another one – 7 stacks.
7stacks is a free application that lets Windows users have "stacks" of icons in their Taskbar or QuickLaunch Toolbar or even in the desktop. 7 stacks purpose is to reduce icon clutter, by grouping of icons into handy menus which can be launched from a single icon. For example, you can create a stack for all your office documents and another stack for Internet related applications. You can create up to 10 stacks in all.
7 stacks functions pretty much the same as Standalone Stack, the only difference are it’s looks. While Standalone Stack had a floating stack, 7 stacks’ stack appears inside a neat transparent window. There are alternate layouts too – grid and menu.
If you want to create a stack of icons first you would need to create a folder and put all icons inside it, and then create a stack out of that folder. The Start Menu folder is good place to start. Normal file folders too can be created into a stack and files and sub-folders can be browsed within the stack just like in explorer.
Unlike most applications launchers, 7 stacks doesn’t need to be running in the background eating resources. It executes only when you open the stack and closes itself once you click outside it. 7 stacks is a perfect complement to Windows 7 Superbar and Jumplist.
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