For the past few months, Google has been under fire for degrading quality of search results and proliferation of content farms and scrappers. Google responded with a Personal Blocklist extension for Chrome and later an algorithm change to get rid of low quality sites from search results. The site blocking feature that Google implemented via the Personal Blocklist extension has now been baked into Google – you no longer need any extension to block sites from appearing in your results page. The new feature is implemented in the United States for now; other regions are to follow later this year.
Starting today, users in the US will start seeing a new option to block particular domains from their future search results. When users click a result and then return back to Google, they’ll find a new link next to “Cached” that reads “Block all results.”
Once users click the link to “Block all results” a confirmation message will be displayed along with the option to undo their choice. Users will require to sign in with their Google account to block a domain and maintain their personalized block list.
Once a domain is blocked, it won’t appear in your future search results. A message will appear at the top or bottom of the results page notifying you that certain domains has been blocked.
You can manage your blocked sites by clicking on the “Manage blocked sites” link that appears when you block a domain. On the settings page you can find details about the sites you’ve blocked, block new sites, or unblock sites if you’ve changed your mind.
[via Official Google Blog]
Hmm? I'm in the USA but this option is not in my Google search with Firefox? I guess Personal Blocklist extension has JUST been baked into Google Chrome. I did find a Greasemonkey Script that does this though in FF.