Graphs Made Easy, as the name implies, is an easy to use graph making software for Windows. The program does not require spreadsheets or entering data through wizards – simply enter the values for each bar as you go. You can choose and easily switch between different graph types - bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, stacks and area graphs.
The program has a simplified and self-explanatory user-interface ensuring that there is no learning curve. Buttons on the left allow addition of different elements such as data, text, markers, grid lines etc. To edit colors, values, and other parameters one just needs to click on an element.
You can add background grid lines or even a picture to the graph. Grid lines can be made transparent for the area of text labels, axis markers and the legend of graphs, making these items easier to read. Where grid lines share the same co-ordinates with axis lines, they can be hidden (selectable), so that the grid lines do not over write axis lines.
You can set canvas size, output resolution, and more. Your finished graphs can be printed or saved to JPG, PNG, BMP or vector format, or copied directly to the clipboard and pasted in to a target application.
Graphs Made Easy is available in two versions. The Basic version is free, and has ease of use features that allow easy data entry and creation of features like labels, arrows, legends and axis markers. The Standard version has all these features, with enhanced graphics features like shaded and translucent colors, curved line graph lines and fills for line graph areas.
The Basic version of Graphs Made Easy also includes a free trial copy of GME Standard that lets you try out the enhanced features. But the output is watermarked.
While Graphs Made Easy was made to function as an independent and standalone program, the inability to import data from a spreadsheet limits the use of the program to small data sets that can be entered by hand. If you have a large set of data pre-compiled on an Excel sheet, you will be better off using the default graphing tool found in Microsoft Excel or similar programs.
Update: Version 4.0 supports importing data from MS Excel and similar programs
Also see Add animated, interactive charts and graphs to PowerPoint presentations
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