We have featured quite a number of weather applications in the past (see end of article), but WeatherSpark has to be the coolest weather website we have found so far. WeatherSpark features interactive graphs and charts that allow you to pan and zoom into any of the dozens are so graphs available. And the data goes all the way back to the 1950s and 1940s or through the entire history of any weather station on earth.
Numerous weather parameters such as temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, wind direction and so on are displayed as graphs that traces beautiful periodic curves as the parameters change through the day, week, moth or year. It’s fascinating to watch how the temperature rises starting from the onset of spring, attains peak during the hot summer days and gradually drops off in autumn.
When you switch from the Daily view to Monthly or Yearly, some curious patterns emerge. For example, in the screenshot below, you can see the mean temperature of the year has been periodically rising and falling every 3 to 4 years. You can also see a similar pattern in maximum and minimum temperature, but the period here is low – about 1 to 2 years.
You can use the mouse wheel to zoom into the the graph and it will resolves into smaller time duration. A big monitor is an advantage as the graph expands or shrinks to fit inside browser window.
The amazing part is the weather history. Grab the slider at the bottom and move it back in time to see how the weather was the day your were born or even the day your dad was born.
One thing I like about WeatherSpark is that it remembers all your place searches and it is easy to jump from one place to another by clicking the search history.
WeatherSpark is suited exactly for the weather nerds.
Other weather programs:
Nimi Indicator Weather
Animated Weather Forecast
HTC styled clock and weather gadget
Earth Alerts
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